Things You Should Do When Your Dog Dies at Home

If you’re reading this, then it means your dog has passed away. You might be feeling sad and alone right now. I understand that losing a pet is never easy, but I want to help you through this difficult time.

It can be hard to know what to do when the family pet passes away. There are some things you can do that will make this time easier for everyone in the family and help them cope with their grief.

You’ll find out how to handle the body of your beloved pet as well as what to expect from yourself and those around you during this difficult time.

What You Should Do When Your Dog Is Dying

Health conditions and old age are the most common reasons why a dog will die. Older dogs will start to have health problems that may require medical treatment.

As time goes on, their immune system can become weaker making them more susceptible to illness. If your older pet is suffering from an illness, it’s possible they won’t get better.

The first step is to consult with your veterinarian about your dog’s condition and have a discussion about pet euthanasia.

They will be able to tell you if there are any things you can do to make the dog feel better, but they will also let you know when it is time for them to go.

Before the time, there are some things you can do to make the pet’s time more pleasant.

1. A Day Off from Work

Taking a day off from work to grieve is a perfectly natural thing that people do when they lose a pet.

Whether your dog is the only one in the household or you live with other animals, it is important to take care of yourself and spend time grieving.

Pets often give so much unconditional love and understanding, there’s no shame in accepting or giving what we need during this hard time.

2. Spend More Time With Your Dog

It’s always hard to see our loved ones go.

However, it’s important that he doesn’t feel sad or lonely in what is likely to be his final hours, so there are some things you can do to make their time better.

You can take them on walks or do something that they enjoy.

You can also hold them and play with them as much as possible before they have to be put to sleep.

Being aware of their needs and emotions can make your dog feel more comfortable, and this will help them keep calm until their passing.

What You Should Do When Your Dog Dies at Home

Although it is difficult to lose a pet at home, try not to dwell on the sad feelings.

Instead, remember that your loved animal passed away in its own place of comfort with the family around them.

It is also critical to act soon after your pet dies. You have several options for dealing with the body.

Here’s what you should do when your dog dies at home:

  1. Gloves should be worn while handling the body because you might get bodily fluid and waste on your hands.
  2. Use something thick and large to contain the body like a blanket, a towel, a bedsheet, or a plastic bag.
  3. After wrapping and securing the dog’s body, place it on a cold surface like the garage, basement, or (if possible) refrigerator storage to slow down decompose until you have contacted a veterinarian for advice.

3 Things to Do After Your Dog Dies

What should you do after your dog has died? It is important to follow certain steps so that things can be taken care of.

1. It’s Time to Make A Decision

It greatly depends on your needs and what you want for your dog. The most common reason for cremation is financial. It costs less (on average) than burial in pet cemeteries or at home.

Plus, cremation is much quicker than burial so if time is an issue this could be an important factor. 

Think carefully before deciding. Do you want your beloved pup’s final resting place to be outdoors?

For some people, burying their dog at a pet cemetery may seem the natural thing to do since they will be nearby.

If you want a home burial, be aware of the impact animal waste has on groundwater. Specifically, pet waste contains chemicals that can destabilize the soil under your backyard.

The problem with that is that the water from your local well or stream then picks up these contaminants and may come into contact with your household systems resulting in a health risk.

So, If you have an open slot on your own property, contact your country sanitarian or a county attorney to see whether you can bury a pet there.

2. Allow Yourself to Grief

I’ve dealt with grief in the past, so the process of grieving for my dog wasn’t anything new.

When going through the grieving period, you would find yourself sitting around and crying until you feel better.

Talking to someone about your feeling will help and distract you from thinking about them which bring relief.

Don’t let sadness take over your life. Instead, find ways to distract yourself that are not bad for you.

Find out about how other people feel when they lose their pets or donate money to help other animals in need.

3. Honor Your Furry Best Friend

People who have suffered an animal loss sometimes need to heal their hearts before they can take in a new pet.

However, there are things you can do to honor your dog and keep their memory alive.

  1. Attach a photo of your pet to the wall or your car’s sun visor so that you never forget them.
  2. Keep an item that reminds you of the fun times you had with your pet on hand, for example, a toy they loved playing with or one of their blankets.
  3. Buying plants for the garden is another way people honor pets they’ve lost. You can dedicate one plant or planter to your dog’s memory and decorate it with an urn containing their ashes.

Helping Your Children Cope with the Grief

What should you do if your children are sad that their pet died?

It is important to acknowledge the sadness and allow them to express their feelings. Encourage them to talk about how they feel and think about what’s happened.

If they need to cry, let them do so. It’s also important not to push them to be happy. They will heal over time and you can get them a new pet later if they’re ready to want one.

Grieving the Death of A Family Dog for Seniors

Seniors may find it difficult to accept the loss of their pets. They may be more attached to their dogs because they do not have children or grandchildren to keep them company. The animal becomes the person’s sole source of love and affection.

Seniors who stay in touch with friends may not grieve their pet’s death for long if they continue to interact.

They may take consolation from reading or viewing television too. It’s also possible that exercise might help them emotionally in terms of dealing with the dog’s passing.


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