37 Fun Things to Do When You’re Home Alone

Some days, you’re the only one at home. Maybe your spouse is on a business trip or there are no kids to take care of that day. So what to do when you’re home alone?

There’s no need for panic.

Most of the time, we’re not alone. Our houses are full of stuff that needs our attention and care. You can either do nothing or try something different. Whether it’s going for a run or watching that movie that’s been on your list forever.

If you’re looking for some other fun things to do when you’re home alone, check out this list!

I have compiled some tips for how to make the most of your time at home, and even enjoy being by yourself. You won’t regret trying any of these ideas.

Give Yourself A Treat

Trying Out New Face Mask

When you’re home alone, treat yourself to a nice self-care. It’s time to stop feeling guilty for doing nothing and start being present in the moment.

You deserve it! Here are some ideas to treat yourself.

1. Have A Relaxing Bubble Bath

It is a great way to take care of yourself. It’s a relaxing and soothing experience that you can enjoy on your own.

It releases tension in your muscles, easing stress levels, improving circulation, and clearing up skin issues.

2. Take Care of Your Body

One of the best things that you can do when you’re home alone is to take care of your body.

Whether it’s applying moisturizer, shaving, or giving yourself a manicure.

These are all simple tasks that don’t need any company and will make you feel confident and settled once complete.

3. Paint Your Nails

Paint your nails! A new color is a perfect way to brighten up any day.

It might sound silly, but it actually really helps to make you feel good. Especially when you finish and show off your awesome nails to no one but yourself 😉

4. Do Skincare

Skincare is super important both before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning.

Since you’re alone at home, it’s ok to wear a face mask and relax while waiting for 15 minutes. This will help moisturize your skin.

5. Catch Up with A Friend

Catching up with a friend by phone or facetime when you’re at home and alone is a nice way to stay connected without leaving the house.

Especially, if your friend and you live in different cities. And it can be a fun way to spend time with yourself.

6. Meditate

Being home alone means there’s no noise or distractions, so it’s perfect for meditation.

It’s good to have a mental break from all of the distractions that can get in the way of living a healthy life.

When you meditate, you’re not thinking about anything else besides what you’re doing at the moment.

7. Daily Affirmation

Since you’re alone, it’s easy to start feeling really down or sad. Affirmations help remind you that it’s ok to be on your own sometimes.

One of my favorite home-alone tips is to write a daily affirmation on my phone that says “I am confident and happy.”

You can write or say your daily affirmation when you’re home alone too!

8. Prepare A Relax-Kit

Lighting a candle is always a good idea when you’re home alone. It’s calming and perfect for bonding with yourself.

You can have an aromatherapy candle on your desk to enjoy the scent and create a relaxing atmosphere. Diffusing essential oils is also perfect for a solo activity!

9. Have A Beauty Sleep

A beauty sleep when you’re at home alone is a great way to take care of yourself.

Clean your sheets so you can sleep better, prepare your clothes for when you wake up and take a shower, and drink herbal tea before closing your eyes.

Keep Yourself Entertained

Watching Comedy Show At TV

It’s not always easy to entertain yourself when you’re alone, but there are some things that you can do to make the time go by more quickly.

Check out this list of entertainment sources-TV shows, games, books, and more!

10. Watch Youtube Videos

You can find a video on any topic or anything that interests you. It’s easy to find something that can entertain you for a short time or a longer period of time.

You can watch inspirational videos about staying positive or the funny ones about people failing at doing things that will make you laugh.

11. Watch Favorite Show

Binge-watch your favorite tv show! You can find any plot or genre that interests you.

Sometimes it’s hard to stay entertained when you’re home alone, but it’s easy to binge-watch a tv show on tv or your phone.

12. Watch A Documentary

A documentary is an interesting thing to watch when you’re at home alone. They can be about any topic or event, and they are always intriguing. You can spend hours watching them!

13. Play Video Games

If you are looking for any type of entertainment, games are always a good idea!

Games can be played with friends online or by yourself. The game can be turned into a competition for an even better experience.

If you’re looking for fun game ideas to play, I have written a list of them here. Check it out!

14. Solve A Puzzle

It might be a perfect time because there are no distractions or noise! Puzzles are fun and give your brain some downtime. They also help you stay mentally sharp.

Puzzles can include different types of puzzles, including jigsaw puzzles, Sudoku, crossword puzzles, and more.

They provide an escape from the loneliness and boredom of being alone at home.

15. Scroll Through Social Media

Sometimes, when I need to kill time at night, I’ll scroll through these platforms.

It can be nice to see what your friends are up to, or watch funny videos or memes without worrying that someone will judge you for it.

It’s also a great way to stay connected with people in your life even though they’re away from home too!

16. Listen to Podcast

You can listen to podcasts while you’re at home by yourself.

They are either inspirational people telling their stories or scary stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It’s an easy way to stay engaged and entertained!

17. Play An Instrument

You can play a musical instrument? That’s great! You can enjoy playing the piano, guitar, or other instruments when you’re home alone.

There are so many songs that are just perfect for relaxing. And because there is no one in the house, you don’t have to worry about noise complaints!

18. Private Karaoke

Do you like to sing when you’re at home by yourself? It’s so fun to be the only one in the house! (No complaints about the noise!)

You can call some friends and have them watch or sing along with your singing too. It will be a fun thing to do and make a great memory.

19. Do A Virtual Tour

You can keep yourself entertained when you’re home alone by doing a virtual tour of interesting places on the internet.

It can be a museum, a planetarium, or the Eiffel Tower! It’s like traveling without all the hassles of having to pack.

20. Enjoy A Cup of Coffee 

What better way to stay entertained when you’re home alone than to enjoy a cup of coffee!

There are so many different flavors from gingerbread to cinnamon lattes. You can also add a little bit of something sweet like caramel, chocolate syrup, or whipped cream.

Doing A Productive Activity

Learning New Languages

It can sometimes be hard to feel less bored or lonely. One of the best things that you can do is do productive activities.

This will help put something into your day and make sure that you’re doing something besides sitting at home thinking about things.

21. Do House Chores

It can be a great way to feel like you’re contributing and productive! Just pick one chore and start doing it.

From there, you’ll want to do another chore and before you know it, the house is clean and there has been some activity in your day. What a relief!

22. Organize Your Fridge

It’s a really easy task that makes you feel like you’ve accomplished something and it also gets the house looking and smelling better.

There are all these tricks and tips out there on how to make your fridge more organized, but one of the simplest ways is to try rotating food items around so they can be at eye level.

23. Organize Your Closet

Organizing is a great way to be productive when you’re home alone. One of the most helpful things is organizing your clothes in sections by color or outfit type.

This makes it easier to find what you’re looking for and the clothes don’t end up all over the floor, taking up space or getting wrinkled.

24. Exercise

Exercise can be a great way to combat boredom, depression, and anxiety. It can also help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

There are so many different types of exercise for you to choose from. You can do running, swimming, or any other fun activities that you enjoy!

25. Yoga

Yoga is a great way to keep our bodies healthy. When you are home alone, it can be nice to have something relaxing and productive to do.

Yoga provides a way for you to feel better about yourself and have some control over your mind and body.

26. Stretch

Stretching your body is an easy way to feel relaxed when you’re the only person at home.

You can stretch out your whole body. It’s also good for releasing any built-up tension or tightness.

27. Journaling

Journaling can be a very personal activity and something that feels like it’s helping you process your thoughts. It also doesn’t matter what you write about.

Your journal can stay private or you can share it with friends or family members.

28. Learn A New Language

These days, it’s really easy to find free courses online and you can work on them while watching TV or sitting outside.

When you feel like you’re getting bored, turn off the TV and take out your phone or laptop to work on your language.

29. Start A DIY Project

You need to try doing DIY projects. One of everyone’s favorite sites to visit when looking for a project is Pinterest.

Find something that looks fun and challenging enough for you to complete in your alone time from making tulle skirts, tissue paper flowers, or soaps with essential oils.

30. Try Knitting 

You can try knitting a sweater or some socks. It’s a really productive thing to do and it’s also something that you’re actually creating.

Knitting teaches you how to make different stitches and with larger projects like sweaters, you also learn the whole process of making a sweater from start to finish.

31. Read A Book

Reading a book can be a great way to pass the time when you’re home alone. When you’re reading, your mind is focused on the story and all of the characters.

It’s also a good way to learn new words and keep up with our vocabulary. You can read fiction or nonfiction books that are about topics that interest you.

32. Catch Up on the News

It’s a perfect time to catch up on the news! You can read your favorite newspapers, magazines, or websites for up-to-date information.

It’s a good way to keep up with current events and get your mind off of things for a little while.

33. Home Photoshoot

If you’re home alone and bored, try setting up a makeshift photo studio using your phone or camera timer.

Situate the furniture in different ways to create interesting angles, props, and backgrounds!

34. Try New Cooking Recipe

You can try cooking recipes that you find online. This can be a good way to entertain yourself and make your mouth water.

It’s also fun to play around with different ingredients, spices, and meats or veggies until you create something that tastes delicious.

35. Bake Something 

Do you fancy baking? This is the time to get more baking done! It’s a good way to keep your mind busy while making something tasty and yummy.

It also makes for a great activity when you’re home alone, bored, and looking for something to do.

36. Watch A TED Talk and Get Inspired

Watching a TED talk on YouTube is a good way to get inspired when you’re home alone.

TED talks are an excellent middle ground between watching TV and reading a book. You can also learn new things about topics that interest you!

37. Take An Online Class

Taking an online class is a good way to add a new skill to your repertoire and can be a great way to spend time in one go.

The selection of the classes available (in terms of the topic) is huge, so it shouldn’t be hard for you to find something that interests you.


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