25 Fun Winter Activities for Kids (Indoors & Outdoors)

Winter can be a time for great adventures and even better family bonding. If you’re looking for something new to do, here are 25 of the best winter activities for kids this winter season!

These winter activities will keep your little ones entertained while also providing some much-needed fresh air and exercise.

You’ll have more fun with them too! And don’t forget to bundle up before heading outside – it’s cold out there!

1. Snowball fight

When winter rolls around, it’s time for winter activities! One of the best winter activities is a snow fight. Gather everyone up and make snowballs then start throwing them at each other. This winter games activity is fun for all ages!

2. Ice skating

One winter activity that is perfect for children is ice skating. Ice skating is a winter sport that many people love to do during winter. But, it may not be easy for children to learn so that’s why winter activities for kids winter is a perfect time to learn.

3. Build a snowman

Building a snowman can be the ultimate winter activity for kids and adults too! You can go out and collect some great winter materials, like old clothes and hats or even use a pumpkin as ahead. You might also want to add some buttons and other wintery things to your snowman-like sticks of coal for eyes or paint drops for a nose.

4. Freezing bubbles

One winter activity that is perfect for children and their winter games is freezing bubbles. You can start by mixing three parts water with one part dish soap and then blowing the bubbles on a cold winter day and watching them freeze in the air before they hit the ground!

5. Make an igloo or ice castle

The idea behind this winter games activity is to collect snow and pile it up to make a mound on either side (depending on whether you’re building an igloo or ice castle). You could also use ice blocks for an ice castle.

6. Go winter camping

Winter camping with kids requires a lot of preparation, but it can be extremely rewarding. Camping offers many benefits to the whole family, not just entertainment.

If you’re new to winter camping, going camping in your backyard is a great place to start. This makes it much easier to cope with bad weather.

7. Have a bonfire

It’s winter! That means it’s the perfect time to have a bonfire. Having one outside can be tons of fun.

Bonfires will not only keep you warm in the winter but are also fun and entertaining.

8. Have a winter barbecue (with s’mores, of course!)

Winter barbecue is a winter activity that is perfect for kids and adults. You can host a winter barbecue with s’mores and other winter foods. The winter barbecue is a winter activity that can keep the whole family entertained on those cold winter nights.

9. Make winter-themed cookies or cupcakes

Winter-themed cookies are wintery desserts that are perfect for winter. With winter-themed cookies, you can add some winter decorations on the edges of your cookie dough or even make a design of snowflakes to make your winter-themed cookie turn into a winter scene. make winter happy and festive while being simple enough that kids can help out too!

10. Visit a winter festival

Some winter activities for kids include winter festivals. You might also want to check if there are winter festivals in your area so that you can make sure to visit them with your children.

11. Sliding competitions

One of the most fun winter activities to do with kids is doing a sliding competition. Sliding competitions are winter games that require you to see how fast you can slide down a certain hill. You could compete with your family or just get up and make some winter sports friends.

12. Make snow angels

Snow angels are winter crafts for kids that are very easy to make. It’s like a popular expression everyone would do when winter comes!

13. Paint snow with food coloring

This winter activity is perfect for children as you can just take snow, paint it with food coloring, and it’ll look like popsicles anywhere.

14. Go tubing or sledding

Winter is a great time to sled. The winter weather provides a perfect opportunity for winter activities for kids.

There are many different ways to play this winter game and it can be done with many different people. Some people like to go head-to-head, while others may prefer the more leisurely option of going solo.

15. Make snow sculpture

With winter sculpture winter, you can make a snowman, snow angel, or even a snow bunny. This winter sculpture winter activity is perfect for winter as you can just take snow and start making something like this.

You could make these sculptures into whatever shape you want. It’s also fun to decorate your snow sculptures with many things that are available in the winter.

16. Find and identify animal tracks

If you want to try winter activities for kids winter, then you might want to try this animal track activity. This winter activity winter takes very little preparation because all you need is snow and something that will identify the animal’s tracks.

17. Write things on the snow

Another winter activity is writing things on the snow. You can write your name and get creative with any marks that you want to include. You could also write a message or poems.

18. Knock snow off tree branches

Knocking snow off the branches of a winter tree is one winter activity that can be really fun. This winter game takes very little preparation because all you need to do is find a winter tree and start knocking snow off the branches. As you walk around and knock snow off the tree branch, make sure to get as much snow as you can.

19. Decorate a tree

Decorating a winter tree is one winter activity that is perfect for winter. To do this winter activity, all you need to do is take a winter tree and start decorating it with many things that are available during the winter.

20. Build a snow fort

You could make these forts whatever size you want, so it can be done with many people at once or just one person. It’s also fun to decorate your winter fort while you’re building it with toys. Kids will surely love it!

21. Take a hike

One winter activity winter games winter is taking a winter hike. To do this winter activity, all you need to do is find a winter trail and start hiking. This winter game winter can be done by finding the winter trail or making your own winter path.

22. Snowshoeing

Snowshoeing for kids can be loads of fun and provides many benefits. Snowshoes change the game by providing traction, increased stability, and an easier way to walk in deep snow.

23. Cross-country skiing

Cross-country skiing is fun, especially for kids. You need winter clothes, a winter hat and gloves. Cross-country skiing is a great option for families because it’s easy to do and safe enough for kids.

24. Fat tire biking

Fat tire biking is a winter experience that you don’t want to miss out on. The winter conditions in the winter can make it tough to bike, but with fat tires, winter biking doesn’t have to be a drag. Fat tire bikes also work better on winter terrain, making winter biking easier for everyone involved.

25. Visit hot spring

Visiting a hot spring in winter is a great way to escape the cold weather! Find a local hot spring and spend some time relaxing in the warm water with your friends and family.

What to prepare before winter activities

Before you go out to do an outdoor activity with your child during winter, here are a few tips that may help.

  • Make a wintertime snack of hot cocoa and graham crackers before going outside.
  • Dress in layers, which will keep your child warm while also allowing them to play freely.
  • If you’re going on an extended winter outing, don’t forget to pack snacks and water bottles for everyone.
  • Plan winter activities around the forecast. If it’s winter storming outside, stay inside where you can make winter crafts and baking cookies.
  • Use sunscreen to avoid sunburn. If winter activities go on for an extended period of time, check the weather at least every hour to make sure that you don’t overheat.
  • Stay inside if you’re feeling unwell. The cold weather could worsen your symptoms.
  • Bring spare gloves or mittens to winter activities. Your child’s winter gear may get wet or dirty, and mittens are hard to take on and off when your kid is playing.

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