What are examples of cultural background?

Understanding the different cultures that exist in the world is a great way to be tolerant of other people and their backgrounds.

There are many different types of cultural backgrounds, but they can all vary based on geographical location or ethnicity. It’s important to understand these differences so we know how to behave and be tolerant of other cultures.

It is important to be aware of and understand these differences so we know how to behave and be tolerant of other cultures. Let’s explore some examples of cultural backgrounds!

What are cultural backgrounds?

Cultural background is the environment in which an individual grew up. The word “background” generally implies that it may pose some limitations on what they are able to do, their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

The context of one’s life experience as influenced by membership in organizations based on ethnicity, race, economic position, gender, exceptionalities, language, religion, sexual orientation, and geographical location.

There are many various sorts of cultural backgrounds that may differ depending on the country or region where the person was brought up. Culture might be defined as race/ethnicity-based, religion-based, or as language-based.

The culture of a person is the history and traditions that they have been brought up with from birth. In some cultures, people may eat different foods than what you are used to at home; in others, people will dress differently; in yet others, there are many different holidays and nationally recognized days of celebration.

What are examples of cultural background?

A cultural background can be shaped at the family, societal or organizational level. Examples of different cultural groups include:

  • Educated people (such as elites, middle class)
  • People who value work ethic and approach goals with a strong sense of self-discipline (such as immigrants, entrepreneurs, small business owners)
  • Religious people who values family and traditions (such as Christian, Muslim, Jewish)
  • People who tend to be liberal and progressive (such as students, artists)
  • People who come from a wealthy family and believes in saving money or people with a lower economic status (such as millionaires)

Cultural background influences the world we live in, and can create stereotypes between different groups of people. For instance, since some immigrants come Cultural background is an important way to define an individual’s identity.

What are some examples of cultures and their backgrounds?

There are many examples of cultures with certain backgrounds, but in general there are several key criteria that determine someone’s culture. Those important identifiers are geographical location, ethnicity, nationality, political beliefs or system of government.

  • Geographical location, country or region in which someone lives or was brought up
  • Ethnicity, a group of people that share a common national or cultural tradition
  • Nationality, the legal relationship between an individual and a country, that is created by naturalization or birth in certain geographic territories. A nation is a group of people who have been linked by shared ancestry, history, culture, or language. This implies that all of the citizens in a country are from the same background, country, or region and shares a common border with other nations recognized by the United Nations
  • Political beliefs or system of government, a governing system based on the ideology and power of the people who rule and control that specific nation for an extended period

How do cultures vary based on geographical location?

Geographical location is a huge factor in culture. Just because of the location, there are slight variations of culture that can influence values and traditions of a person or group.

For example: In the United States as one travels westward from Chicago to Los Angeles one will find progressively more Americanized cultures with higher populations of people of color and less racially segregated cities. Upwards toward Alaska there is a gradual decrease in flora and fauna, eventually ending at the Bering Strait that separates Asia from North America.

As one travels south or east from Chicago, there is a much higher probability of encountering more European and Middle Eastern culture. This could be because people migrated westward over time to follow economic opportunities and seek out new land. Beaches along the Pacific Ocean were likely populated with individuals who had more closeness with nature before white settlers arrived on their land.

Overall, it’s very easy to see how geography has influenced human development and can continue to help us understand how people of different backgrounds might behave in different areas of the world.

How do cultures vary based on ethnicity?

Cultures vary significantly based on ethnicity, and the reasons for this difference may be rooted in many places including religion, geographic location and history.

An Example of how nature vs nurture works: different cultures worship nature as a force that deserves respect, and this attitude is often reflected in its laws protecting land and water (An example of such a culture would be those found in South America). As an opposite example to those cultures with “Nature-worshipping” attitudes would be the American culture, where our country is considered more as a man made product rather than something influenced by forces such as religion or water (such as those who live near bodies)

While there are examples can be found everywhere can create studies to look at the differences between countries.

An example of how ethnicity can influence culture today: There are still pockets of people in the United States whose families have lived here for generations. They may be more likely to speak their ancestral language (for example, Mandarin) and follow traditions practiced by that ethnic group (such as celebrating the lunar new year).

How do cultures vary based on nationality?

Political beliefs or system of government can also heavily affect culture, especially within a nation. A nation will have norms with what is proper and improper behavior, with most people subscribing to these standards.

For example: While Americans might find it strange if someone were to pour their entire soda into the cup, Chinese people actually do this as a sign of respect. As another example, in America we place our shoes by the door when entering a house, but visitors in Japan will remove their shoes at the entrance before stepping on any interior flooring.

How do cultures vary based on political beliefs or system of government?

There are many reasons but let’s first look at the basics.

Many cultures vary based on political belief. Some people believe in a policy of government control, aka Communism or Nazism, while others believe in a system of self-governance with no one governing them which is called anarchy or Libertarianism. The populations from these countries typically display different values and beliefs towards how things should be done because they have been raised under different philosophies.

Get a person from one country to interact with a person from another country and there will often be a clash of ideas because their views on life could not be more different depending on what type of system their representatives created for them to live under.

The needs that the people have may also be affected by the political belief of the country they live in. People who believe in anarchy or Libertarianism, for example, might want to be able to carry guns to protect themselves where people who practice Communism may not want this ability. The policies that are enacted in one area will affect what type of culture their citizens can flourish under or create within.

For Example: The political ideology of Nordic nations is generally considered to be Socialism, which implies that their society has a well-developed middle class and a high standard of living.

When compared to Americans, who were reared in a capitalistic culture that thrives on competition, individualism, and consumerism.

The American attitude towards consumption may be contrasted with the energy-efficiency ethic in Nordic cultures, where exports generally include cars, but also dairy products.

What is the difference between a cultural background and ethnicity?

Cultural background is the framework of knowledge and references that define a person’s mental model for their past, present and future lives. Ethnicity defines who we associate with in our own imagination.

The two do not always coincide because we can share a culture with people who belong to other ethnicities and vice-versa.

For example, it would be possible for someone living in India to come from one or more different backgrounds – Muslim Gujarati, Hindu Tamil etc., depending on geographical origin.

Someone could also be American but have an Indian racial background if they trace their ancestry back through generations of Americans with Indian bloodlines mixed into the genealogical tree. 

A neutral definition of ethnicity might read as “the kinship lines which define membership in a group; the law of shared blood”.

As this definition would apply to anyone who is related by an ancestor, it does not identify differences between cultures.

While some people use the terms interchangeably, there are important distinctions that must be made when talking about them.

Why do people have different cultures around the world?

The human population is made up of billions and billions of people that come from an uncountable number of backgrounds and cultures.

This means there are many different cultural understandings and views across the world. One explanation for these differences might be because we’re all humans with similar emotions, desires, perspectives, memories and thought patterns (although there are still some who argue this point).

Another possible explanation is because we can’t ever know if our own culture is the “right” one – given that it’s impossible to completely understand other cultures on their terms.

The last option could also be true; this would mean that every country has its own unique subject matter in economics, politics, sciences, sociology which undeniably shapes how each culture thinks about themselves and others.

Is there a map for cultural backgrounds in the world?

Yes. A map is a great way to understand the geographical spread of different cultures, and a fantastic tool for organizing information about countries and cities around the world.

There are many free or low-cost alternatives, from Google or Bing when you’re just curious to play with this neat data, to more intensive web-based databases that go into more depth when you’re researching a particular kind of information in greater detail.

Some gathered together some interesting ways people have mapped out culture around the world in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). 

One project in this field is called The World Culture Map. It was developed by the World Bank with researchers at Harvard University, who looked at how cultural diversity relates to economic growth and social progress.

Another map that’s interesting to look at is known as “The World Values Survey“. This looks into people’s subjective preferences, including their opinions on sex, politics and religion. It is an organization that has looked into how people’s core beliefs are distributed across different countries.

How can communication be difficult with these varying cultures?

Culture is defined as any distinct way of behaving, relating, or thinking that lasts more than one generation.

Different cultures often have different communication styles and expectations. Even though communication can be difficult between these varying cultures, understanding each other’s communication style is key for productive communications.

If you’re unsure of the proper communication etiquette in the specific culture you’re communicating with it’s best to err on the side of caution by speaking in generalities until it becomes clear what customs are appropriate.

For example, in some cultures it is not considered polite to ask too many questions or be nosy. In such cases you might want to keep your conversations on a more superficial level until the other person opens up and invites personal questions.

Which countries have the most diverse populations when it comes to ethnicity and religion?

The United States, India, and Nigeria have a very diverse populations when it comes to ethnicity. In the United States 27% of Americans are African American or black, 39% are white non-hispanic, 24% are Hispanic or Latino (of any race), 6% are Asian American, 3% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander American.

In India there is a rich diversity in culture but most people identify themselves as Indian because they follow many of the same traditions including customs and speak the same language.

Nigerians identify themselves by tribe or ancestry. 55 million Nigerians have an Igbo heritage specifically while 36 million Nigerians have Yoruba heritages. Nigeria contains more than 250 ethnic groups and over 500 languages total with 12 different types of accepted religions.

Another countries is Brazil, China, and Indonesia.

Brazil has over 50 million African descendants. The percentage of people in Brazil who identify as black, the largest ethnic group there, accounts for 38.5% of the total population.

China is also diverse with 55 different minorities. Indonesia has 34 provinces, but all are pretty similar when it comes to identifying themselves by their ethnicity. 97% of the population identifies themselves as being ethnically Indonesian.

What are some examples of cultural backgrounds?

Here is a list of specific culture examples:

  • American (United States) Cultural Backgrounds: In the United States, there are many different cultures which includes immigrant or descended from an immigrant background. In modern times it is common to have a multicultural heritage due to the number of immigrants arriving in the recent 20th century. American culture places emphasis on thrift, hard work and self-reliance.
  • Argentinian Cultural Background: This culture is known for being polite but assertive, they are family oriented and don’t like high-pressured situations. They enjoy talking through problems to avoid any confrontations or arguments.
  • Australian Culture Background: Australians are seen as very laid back with a very casual demeanor. They love sports and beer making them easy going people who can make small-talk without thinking about it too much.
  • Austrian Cultural Background: This culture is known to be tradition oriented, but very relaxed in their traditions. They take time to discuss problems and come up with compromises for them so everyone feels included.
  • Belgian Cultural Background: Belgian people are known to be very thrifty and detail-oriented. They value their privacy and enjoy spending time at home rather than socializing.
  • Brazilian Cultural Background: Brazilian people tend to be very passionate and friendly. They can also be quite sensitive and sometimes too willing to accommodate others.
  • Chinese Cultural Background: People from the Chinese culture are very friendly and family oriented. They have a strong sense of duty to serve others, but can be short-tempered when it comes to criticism.
  • Colombian Cultural Background: Colombian people are passionate and hospitable. They like to include everyone and make them feel welcome, but can be a bit too relaxed about things like punctuality, which drives others crazy.
  • Danish (Denmark) Cultural Background: In Denmark, politeness and punctuality are considered extremely important. They have a very relaxed attitude to life but stick to their goals when they have one.
  • Dutch (Netherland) Cultural Background: The Dutch are very frugal people who love working hard. They have a reputation for being friendly and self-controlled people who also value their privacy highly.
  • Egyptian Cultural Background: People from the Egyptian culture are known to be successful business-wise. They are family oriented people, but also very gossipy and criticize others frequently.
  • Ethiopian Cultural Background: Ethiopians are known for being very emotional people who often have their feelings on their sleeve, they can be extremely sensitive to criticism as well.
  • English (UK) Cultural Background: The English value tradition and their heritage. Rules are important to them and they tend to be on time for appointments.
  • French (France) Cultural Background: French people are known to be very nonchalant about many things. They are also known for creating a lot of drama by making everything seem more important than it really is.
  • German (Germany) Cultural Background: The German culture is known to be very efficient and direct. They too value punctuality, rules, and being prepared.
  • Japanese Cultural Background: Japanese people tend to be quiet and reserved in public, but in a private setting they are open about their opinions. They can also appear very aloof due to being unfamiliar with many public displays of affection.
  • Greek/Mediterranean Cultural Background: People from this culture enjoy socializing and expressing themselves. They tend to be very family-oriented people, but sometime take on too much responsibility for others.
  • Indian Cultural Background: Indian people are known for their very friendly nature. They love to host guests in their homes and celebrate any special occasion with much enthusiasm.
  • Indonesian Cultural Background: The Indonesian people enjoy socializing and making new acquaintances. They tend to be family oriented and value their heritage, but also want the world to know that they’re quite progressive in involving women in business and politics.
  • Iranian Cultural Background: Iranian people are very family oriented and value camaraderie. They can be too sensitive to criticism, however, and tend to argue over every little disagreement.
  • Irish/Celtic Cultural Backgrounds: Similar to Americans, the Irish/Celtic people value their heritage and take a lot of pride in their families. They are quite fun-loving and don’t mind being a little reckless from time to time.
  • Italian (Italy) Cultural Background: Italians are known for loving life, and enjoying whatever they do. They can be quite loud and boisterous, but also very romantic.
  • Israel Cultural Background: Israelis take a lot of pride in their heritage and family. They enjoy being social and take great care to provide for their families.
  • Jamaican Cultural Background: Jamaicans are known for their extremely friendly and welcoming nature. They love to socialize and they look out for everyone- whether it’s family or strangers.
  • Japanese Cultural Background: Japanese people tend to be quiet and reserved in public, but in a private setting they are open about their opinions. They can also appear very aloof due to being unfamiliar with many public displays of affection.
  • Korean Cultural Backgrounds: Even though people from the Korean culture are very shy, they are also very competitive and ambitious. They tend to study many years to achieve their goals.
  • Mexican Cultural Background: Mexican people are very family oriented and value their heritage. They can be loud, but they love to show concern for family members that live far away.
  • Middle East (Arabian) Cultural Backgrounds: Arabian people value their heritage, family, and tradition. They are very friendly with strangers, but can also be argumentative at times.
  • Nigerian Cultural Background: Nigerians are known for being very talkative people who love sharing stories with others. They can be quite loud and boisterous, but they have a giving nature and always stick together in times of need.
  • Norwegian Cultural Background: People from the Norwegian culture tend to be very hard working and goal-oriented. They place a lot of importance on education as well.
  • Pakistani Cultural Background: Pakistani people are known for being very spiritual and family-oriented. They value their heritage, but also want to be recognized as modern citizens from a developing country.
  • Peruvian Cultural Background: Peruvian people are very family oriented and they love to make new friends. They tend to keep most of their personal problems with themselves, not wanting to burden others with their struggles.
  • Polish Cultural Background: Polish people tend to be family oriented and love spending time with relatives. They can be a little blunt at times, but they enjoy traditions and large gatherings.
  • Russian Cultural Background: Russian people have a very strong work ethic and tend to be very independent. They value success and enjoy being in a leadership role.
  • Spanish/Portuguese Cultural Background: People from this culture are known for being warm, friendly, and very open with everyone they meet. They love being social and interacting with others while dancing or playing music.
  • Swedish Cultural Background: People from the Swedish culture are well known for their nature. They enjoy being in the outdoors, and take time to appreciate everything around them.
  • Thailand Cultural Background: Thai people are very loyal to their friends and family. They treasure education, but also like to spend time relaxing with others.
  • Turkish Cultural Background: Turkish people value close bonds between friends, groups, and families. They enjoy spending time socializing in large settings, especially when eating delicious food together!
  • Ukraine Cultural Background: Ukrainian people are known for being very family oriented and they cherish their heritage. They enjoy celebrating with others, but also like to listen to music, play games and spend time with each other.
  • Vietnamese Cultural Backgrounds: Vietnamese people are known for being very family-oriented and value traditions. They can be a little reserved at first, but they’re always willing to help out their friends or neighbors in need.

It is important to be aware of and understand these differences so we know how to behave and be tolerant of other cultures. Let’s explore some examples of cultural backgrounds! We hope you found this article helpful in understanding the different types of culture that exist around the world.

Understanding each type will help us better appreciate our own culture as well as those who live a life vastly different from ours.

In order for things to continue progressing, it is imperative that people are open-minded about others’ opinions, traditions, values etc., while always respecting their right not to share theirs if they choose not too.

It’s time for everyone on Earth to come together with one common goal: mutual respect and tolerance no matter what your background may be.


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